Blue Streaks

blue streaks

Blue Streaks is an initiative that aims to unite Yamaha fans of all levels, who share a passion for riding and an appreciation for the unique quality of Yamaha motorcycles and scooters. In addition to building exceptional motorcycles, this initiative also aims to create unforgettable experiences for riders.

By establishing a direct connection between Yamaha customers and the brand, Blue Streaks aims to foster a stronger and more meaningful relationship with its customers. Through this platform, members can gain a better understanding of Yamaha’s core values of ‘exciting’, ‘sporty’, and ‘stylish’, which set Yamaha apart from other motorcycle manufacturers.

Going forward, Blue Streaks aims to enhance the interaction between man and machine, making it a more engaging and exhilarating experience for Yamaha enthusiasts.

Own a Yamaha  bike
Own a Yamaha bike
Be a part of Blue Streaks
Be a part of Blue Streaks


A community of passionate Yamaha Owners which is driven by selected Authorised dealerships across Nepal

Any Yamaha two-wheeler owner in Nepal can join Blue Streaks community. One can join Blue Streaks by registering with us on the Blue Streaks website and visiting showroom

Registration would cost Rs 500 but attractive Yamaha Merchandise will be provided to the registered member

It is subjective to the ride destination and location. Captain will notify the riders before taking on ride registrations.

Blue Streaks Community is an exclusive closed riding group only for Yamaha Owners.

Blue Streaks Community is an exclusive closed riding group only for Yamaha Owners.

Blue Streaks community welcomes all passionate Yamaha Owners.